Tuesday, May 22, 2007

A Decade of Yeast

I have suffered on and off with yeast infections. There was a time I wondered what was wrong with me. Did other women suffer with yeast? Even though I knew that I was a clean person, I wondered if I was possibly not wiping right or maybe not showering correctly.

Yeast has a way of making us ashamed of ourselves. Television commercials tell us that our vaginas should smell good. The culture I come from advocates dry sex which basically involves using herbs and oils to dry out the vagina. This causes the male to feel more (especially if he is small). In my culture, there are names for women with watery vaginas.

Of course dry sex is ridiculous, but no culture admires yeast.

During the 90's I spent a lot of time worrying about whether I had AIDS because I knew that people with compromised immune systems often have lots of yeast infections.

I spent lots of money on monistat in those days. The infection would go away then come back right after my period. My life was touched by yeast that whole decade.

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